Land on 5 extra moves – and you’ll have a chance to win that level! Land on an extra life and you’ll gain one (you’ll lose the one you’re playing – but you’ll get another to try again). Spin the wheel, and Fortune may smile upon you. Q: I’m out of moves! What happens if I choose to spin the wheel for more? Welcome to the Daily Event – a little extra challenge! We’ll spell it out for you: You need to complete all the levels with letters within the time allowed (you’ll see the timer on your game board.) Your reward is extra resources or gold. But your ship has come in! While resources can’t travel back to cities you’ve already completed, you can sail resources to any unlocked city. You must earn resources in each city (except for Green Gems and gold). They say you can’t take it with you – and that applies to resources you’ve earned in the game. Q: Why does each city have a different resource bank?

*Please Note: Having technical issues in your game? You may want to check out Customer Support instead! Happy Playing!*